
aroma cafe

enjoy a bit o' time with me and some friends at Aroma Cafe in the middle of Jerusalem. i simply adore the small cafe's here. [click video to play]

Valentine's for u

Here is an early Valentine treat from me to you! STRAWBERRY-SCENTED, HEART-PRINTED TOILET PAPER! yes, indeed it is. It smells like hubba bubba strawberry chewing gum. It's best for blowing noses! :)

jewish guy

Jewish guy teaching me the Seven Laws on BenYehuda Street. [click to view video]


Koreans singing in the streets of Jerusalem! (excuse the instability, i'm using my built-in camera on laptop!)
[click to view video]



this just might be my favorite place in jerusalem... a simple market with lots of life. (in hebrew: "Shuk" -with long U sound) So come on, jump on bus #21 with me for 5.5 shekels, let's go to the shuk and get some challah! (shabbat braided bread, view at end)
what's this? a bean? a root?
warm blankets
HALVA! HALVA! HALVA!!! huge bricks of halva! (sweet sesame bar)
jewish hats for men
some jews believe not to cut the hair on sides of their heads (in Leviticus)
yum nuts.
mmm... fresh pita!
cute shop. I'll give someone a shekel if they can guess what the tall red powder stuff is! :)
incredible teas!
Challah -shabbat bread (for meal/communion on friday nights, which i've done every friday with friends since i've been here!)


a nearby kibbutz holds a very nice hotel (which may soon be my new swimming resort).
Rachel is recognized, as this is the place she mourned for her children. Jeremiah 31:15-17 "Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more. Thus says the Lord, “Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded...There is hope in your future.”

Jericho II

I'm slowly learning ... but i've realized that i'm going into palestinian (arab) refugee camps where terrorism is born. Poverty and anger breeds terrorists. So I'm helping to bring baby's milk, blankets and Bibles to the Hamas terrorist families! ...but mom, don't worry, it's all approved through the Israeli Army. I'm safe. :)
This is where the Lord asked Joshua, "are you for Me or against Me?"


just thought it interesting to see where i go for jewish chiropractic care. the little apartment-like place is the office. :)

Mt. of Temptations

In Jericho, the Mount of Temptations is where Jesus was tempted by satan during His 40-day fast. (chapter 4 in Matthew and Luke) I journeyed up it in a cable car to a restaurant! (you see black cable lines, cuz i was IN the cable car taking this pic!)
Looking down is the Valley of Achor!
Hosea 2:14-15, "I will allure her, bring her into the wilderness and speak kindly to her. Then I will give her her vineyards from there, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope."

the Crossing

Israelites entered their land at this "crossing" point, across the Jordan River. The land I'm standing on is Israel, the land across the river is Jordan. This is also where Jesus was baptized! I was the photographer for a media event. Filming for a TV show took place as palestinian refugees and a couple hundred others from many nationalities came together at the "Eastern Gate" to celebrate the living Yeshua. Ezekiel 43
i spotted a jordanian across the river! ya, i was in mine land! The Israeli Army hosted this event! you can see the "worry" on faces of the palestinian (refugees) children, as they are born into terrorism-breeding camps.